10 Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring in Mental Health Care
A therapist using a laptop to remotely monitor a client's mental health progress through an RPM app.
A therapist using a laptop to remotely monitor a client's mental health progress through an RPM app.

In recent years, remote patient monitoring (RPM) has become an increasingly popular healthcare service method. This technology has been instrumental in mental health care, where patients often require continuous monitoring and support. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of remote patient monitoring in mental health care and how it can improve patient outcomes.

What is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)?

Remote patient monitoring uses technology to monitor client health and clinical data outside traditional healthcare settings. This can include wearable devices, mobile apps, and telehealth services. RPM allows healthcare providers to monitor patient progress, manage symptoms, and provide support between in-person visits. Additionally, RPM allows for collecting large amounts of patient data, which clinicians can use to improve the accuracy of diagnoses and the effectiveness of treatments.

The Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring in Mental Health Care

Benefits for Clients:
  1. Convenient Care: RPM provides additional mental health support for patients from the comfort of their own homes. This reduces the need for travel and expenses associated with in-person visits.
  2. Personalized Care: RPM allows personalized mental health care plans based on each patient’s needs. Patients can be monitored and treated in real-time, allowing for early intervention.
  3. Improved Outcomes: RPM helps patients to monitor their progress, improve adherence to treatment plans, and take preventative measures to manage their mental health. This can lead to improved outcomes and a reduction in hospitalizations.
  4. Access to Care: RPM provides access to mental health care for patients in remote or underserved areas. Patients can receive care from the comfort of their own homes, reducing travel and expenses associated with in-person visits. 
  5. More effective in-person sessions: RPM can make in-person therapy sessions more effective. By monitoring a patient’s progress between sessions, therapists can come prepared to sessions with a better understanding of what’s working and what’s not. This can lead to more targeted discussions and interventions during in-person sessions, resulting in more progress toward mental health goals.
Benefits for Therapists and Therapy Clinics:
  1. Increased Efficiency: RPM allows therapists and therapy clinics to provide care to more patients in less time, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.
  2. Improved Data Collection: RPM allows therapists and therapy clinics to collect large amounts of patient data, which can improve the accuracy of diagnoses and the effectiveness of treatments.
  3. Better Quality Care: RPM allows therapists and therapy clinics to monitor patient progress in real-time, providing the ability to respond quickly to changes in a client’s health status.
  4. Improved Patient Engagement and Compliance: RPM can help increase patient engagement and compliance with treatment plans. Using an app or other digital tools to track progress, patients become more involved in their treatment. Taking an active role can lead to increased motivation to work towards their mental health goals. This can improve compliance with therapy and treatment plans, leading to better outcomes and fewer missed appointments.
  5. Increased Revenue: RPM can help therapists and clinics bill for additional CPT codes. Remote monitoring can be counted towards the time spent on treatment planning and coordination, which are billable under various CPT codes. This can result in increased revenue and better reimbursement for the time spent on non-face-to-face patient care.

How Noble Health’s RPM Solution Works

At Noble, we offer a comprehensive RPM solution that integrates seamlessly with your practice. Our expert team, along with our technology, handles the granular work of RPM, allowing you and your patients to focus on the benefits of between-session monitoring. 

Our app lets your clients easily engage in our clinically backed CBT-based program. Patients can engage with a coach, follow our CBT mental health Roadmaps, and report clinical health data. We have a team of professionals assigned to monitor the progress and eligibility of your clients, allowing you to focus on outcomes and care. Our software will enable you to monitor your clients’ progress and alerts you if any concerning data arises. You’ll have complete insight into your clients’ progress without needing an in-person visit or consistent follow-up calls. 

Take Advantage of the Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring has revolutionized mental health care, making it more accessible, affordable, and effective. RPM allows for continuous monitoring and support, personalized care plans, and real-time interventions, which leads to improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs. At Noble Health, we offer a comprehensive RPM solution that integrates technology with expert care. With our RPM solution, you can focus on outcomes and care while we take care of the rest.

Schedule a Demo today to learn how our RPM solution can improve your mental health care practice.

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