May 2024 Parent Coaching Updates

We’ve updated the parent coaching onboarding process.

Why did we work on this?

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    Adding a large quantity of contracts did not scale, leading to potential errors.​

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    The client onboarding process was inefficient, did not engage well, and took too long.​

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    Clients repeatedly expressed frustration with being forced to use the mobile app, and not having a browser based option.​

What did we build?

We built a contract management tool to manage adding a large quantity of contracts.

We can now handle contracts at scale and provide necessary customization for unique situations.

Clients can now schedule directly with a coach during registration.

Clients can still reach out to our team of coordinators during the onboarding process for help or a call.

“>”>All clients are now dropped into the browser after registration.

The browser mirrors the mobile app. Upon entry, we introduce the Care Team and invite clients to download the mobile app for additional benefits like push notifications.

Clients will have a Roadmap immediately available.

As clients wait for their first session, they can jump into developing their plan with our S.M.A.R.T. goal Roadmap.

Clients will have a message waiting from their coach.

To immediately encourage message-based communication, clients will have a message waiting for them to immediately interact with their coach.

Why are we excited about this release?

This release will help scale our coaching program and allow clients to get more help. We anticipate this improving client retention and the overall client experience.

We’ve added additional assessments and automated assessment distribution.

Why did we work on this?

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    Measuring outcomes is key to our success.

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    Our current manual assessment administration process did not scale and was costly.

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    We lacked assessments to measure additional mental health issues.

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    We have less than favorable assessment completion percentages.

What did we build?

Clients will receive automated messages to take assessments at the prescribed assessment cadence.

We’ve added additional assessments to our platform, such as anxiety, depression, stress, and grief.

Why are we excited about this release?

We are excited to begin measuring the longitudinal results of our program. Additionally, we are excited to be able to offer our coaches more information to be more relevant to their clients.

We’ve updated the mood-check in process.

Why did we work on this?

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    Clients complained that the mood-check took too long to load. 

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    Clients wanted to be able to choose to take the mood check and have it required upon login.

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    The mood check didn’t allow a push notification pop-up within the mobile app.

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    The mood check didn’t focus on the individual’s well-being.

What did we build?

We’ve simplified the mood check process and changed the question to be about the individual.

Rather than force the mood check, it is now up to the client’s discretion. The mood check focuses on the client’s feelings. 

Why are we excited about this release?

This was one of the most complained about processes in coaching. We are excited to meet the client’s needs and allow for a more personalized coaching experience.

We’ve added a push notification pop-up.

Why did we work on this?

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    Push notifications are key to engagement. 

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    Clients struggled to remember to turn on push notifications in their mobile apps.

What did we build?

We created a simple push notification prompt.

When logging into the mobile app for the first time, we make it easy to turn on push notifications. Additionally, we track the percentage of clients who have turned on push notifications.

Why are we excited about this release?

While this is a simple update, it will have a big impact on our engagement with clients. Specifically with messaging and joining sessions.

Other miscellaneous items

What else did we do for this release?

We increased our security measures by implementing Snyk. Snyk is a developer security platform that enables application and cloud developers to secure their whole application—finding and fixing vulnerabilities from their first lines of code to their running cloud.

We finished training our coaches on additional topics-Chronic Disease, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, Lipid Abnormalities, Overweight and Obesity, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Inflammatory Pain Conditions, Health Behaviors, Healthy Diet, Hydration, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior, Sleep, Stress and Emotional Wellness, Substance Use and Abuse, and Tobacco Use.

We released 6 parenting podcast episodes on

Explore Our Solutions

For Business 

A connection-based mental health solution for your business.

For Mental Health Professionals 

Powerful therapy made simple.

For Individuals  

Human-to-human mental health support enhanced by connection.

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